
Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Hurricane Arthur

Hurricane Arthur paid us a visit over the weekend.  
By the time it arrived, it had been downgraded to a Tropical Storm.  
But what a storm!  It sure packed a punch.  
There were some pretty hairy gusts with wind speeds of 140 km.   
We lost 4 or 5 really large branches from our maple trees.  
There are branches, sticks and leaves all over the lawn.
I took the boys out for a drive around town to see how the rest of the town had faired.  
Shelburne is a town with a lot of old trees. 
There was a lot of damage throughout the town. 
This huge Ash came crashing down, just missing a friends house.
What helpful kids, clearing branches off the roads.
Our power was out for 24 hours.  
Phone service went down, except for emergency calls.  
My service provider did not think the calls I have to make were emergencies.  
That was a bit of a problem, because I was waiting for some guests to arrive and I needed to let them know that there is no power or water at their cottages. 
We were lucky, there are still people with no power 5 days later.
Our "Talking Tree" lost 2 huge branches.

Have you ever noticed that when the power is out, all you want to do is things that require power?  “I think I’ll do some laundry”, oops no I can’t. “ I need to check my email”.  Oh No! can’t.   After spending a few minutes running through my list of things I could not do, I thought of something I could do …  Paint.

So, I spent a very peaceful hour or two finishing a painting.  
Here is it.  
I think the background still needs work.  

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Lockeport Celebrates Canada Day

The seaside community of Lockeport comes alive on Canada Day.  
 Folks from all the local communities gather to celebrate Canada's birthday. 
 Events include variety shows, concerts, parades, pet shows and dances.  
The ladies of the Anglican Church serve a Strawberry Shortcake Tea 
that is supposed to be divine.  I'll have to test that out.  
Also on the schedule is a pie eating contest, a seniors social, 
Duct Tape Boat races and a greased pole.  
I'm intrigued by the Greased Pole event.  
Contestants have to travel along a greased pole over water 
and retrieve a $100 bill at the other end.  
Its an event that requires skill, determination and audacity.
This picture was borrowed from the Coast Guard Newspaper article.  
I hope they don't mind.  My pictures did not turn out as well.  

So, if you find yourself on the South Shore on Canada Day, 
head over to Lockeport and join in the fun.

See you there! 
Happy Canada Day

Monday, 30 June 2014

Halifax Happenings

A while ago, we took the family to Halifax for a change of scene.
We checked out The Stubborn Goat Gastropub on Grafton Street. 
It was busy for a Thursday night, but we found a table upstairs.  
There is an extensive craft beer menu that includes 
Shelburne's locally brewed Boxing Rock Beer.  

 Boxing Rock

The children had Lobster Mac-n-cheese and Pizza.  
The Pizza received the comment "this is the best pizza I have ever eaten!"  
High praise from a youngster.  
We sampled our way through the social menu: Risotto Croquettes; 
Coconut Shrimp, Crispy Chicken wings to name a few.
Risotto Croquettes
 Everything was delicious!  
Here is a sneak peak at the menu.  
I liked the "Social Menu", it sounds friendly.
The Social Menu
On the way home the next day, we added a new member to our family.  :)
Meet Coco the Hamster

Have a good one!

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Signs of Spring

Spring is on its way.    Really it is.  

Although yesterday's weather felt like Mother Nature's April Fools joke.  
Freezing rain and NO SCHOOL. 
Again ... for the 10th time this winter! 

Walking through the garden this morning, I noticed these early signs of spring.
Snowdrops - my favourite flower.   I just love these hardy harbingers of Spring.
Crocuses and Irises are starting to poke their heads up.  
It makes me want to go outside and do some yard work.
Raking here I come!

I love seeing all these Spring bulbs and buds on the trees, but the very BEST sign that Spring is on its way is the beautiful Florence has arisen from her winter sleep.  
Welcome back Flo.  Can't wait to take you out girl!

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Come on Spring

The 15th - The Ides of March - the 2058th anniversary of the death of Julius Caesar.  
We are half way through the month and only 5 days to the start of Spring. 
  It's raining and there are still patches of snow on the ground.  
Winter is dragging on.

This winter has been the coldest, snowiest, longest for many a year.  
I have now lived here for 14 years and with the exception of 2004, 
this has been the only winter where we had enough snow 
to enjoy some winter activities.

We played in the snow, went snow shoeing, skated.  
We thought about going skiing, but didn't. 
All fun, but I'm done with it now.

I want to go to the Canada Blooms Show in Toronto.
Breathe in the heady smell of spring blossoms. 
It is happening this weekend.  
By the time the Canada Blooms Show arrives, I am so desperate to smell Spring.
 I lurk around the displays shamelessly stuffing my nose into daffodils, 
running my fingers along beds of moss, 
wishing Spring would hurry up and arrive.

I WANT Spring to arrive.  
I NEED Spring to arrive.
I want to look outside and see buds on the trees, snowdrops, 
greenery poking up through the soil.  

here is a little tease ...


Thanks for stopping by.

Vagina Monologues

March 8th is International Women's Day.

In celebration, a group of local ladies performed a series of monologues from the Vagina Monologues.  

In case you have not seen the show, the Vagina Monologues is an episodic play written by Eve Ensler an American playwright, performer, feminist and activist.  The piece is based on interviews she conducted with 200 women about their views on sex, relationships, and violence against women.  Some of the monologues are one person's story, others are an amalgamation of multiple interviews. 

It was the second time I had seen the Vagina Monologues performed.  It is a powerful piece.  The performance was moving ... thought provoking, funny, sad, poignant.   
My emotions were pulled along, though laughter, sadness, shame, shock and hope. 

 I was immensely impressed by the dedication of the performers.  
So many lines, so much to memorize.  
So emotional.

Over $1000 were raised for Juniper House - a women's shelter in Yarmouth.

Alison, Jan, Pat, Georg and Rita.  
Thank you ladies, you were Awesome!

Friday, 31 January 2014

Good Bye Red Head Beach House

One of our favourite vacation rentals has been sold!  
To someone who actually wants to live in it!  
How terrible!

Good by Red Head Beach House.  
Thanks for all the memories.

Hmmm ...
Maybe if we are nice to the new owners, they will invite us over. 

Thanks for stopping by...


Monday, 20 January 2014

Snowy Winter

When the blog is quiet, life is busy.

We have had an extraordinarily snowy December and January.  Its been a winter wonderland for all those who like winter weather and a snowy hell for all those who don't.  
I haven't see this much snow since 2004.
Thank goodness we have a snow blower!
 The Arctic Vortex came for a visit and delivered bone chilling temperatures of -23C.  
We stayed in those days.
On warmer days, we subscribed to the attitude "if you can't beat it join it".  
So we did...
building a snowman
Snow shoeing - don't I look sporty?
Even the most ardent winter haters have to admit it is pretty!
Icy harbour

Sunset over the harbour
 Here is a little something I worked on before Christmas -
Cardinal Ornaments for friends and family
 Happy New Year.

Thanks for stopping by!